Getting around.
Once you leave our office navigation on the Island is relatively easy if you pay attention to the free map we give you or the directions provided by the realtor handling your rental house. The island is 8 miles long, north to south, and 3 miles wide east to west. Most of the ferries arrive in the Old Harbor area. The Montauk Ferry arrives in New Harbor. The two harbors are connected by Ocean Avenue. Corn Neck Road heads north from Ocean Ave. and is the only route to and from the north end of the Island. Spring Street heads south from Old Harbor and circles through the southeast corner of the island to Fresh Pond at the south center of the island. From there, at Isaac's Corner, Cooneymus Road heads around the western corner and eventually becomes West Side Road, terminating at New Harbor. There are numerous town owned roads and private lane-ways off the main roads, and many of these are unpaved. These unimproved routes can be difficult to traverse by bike and can cause damage to other vehicles due to the humps in the crest of the roadbeds and brush overgrowing the sides. Please use caution when traveling off the paved roads.
Parking is available, though limited, at most scenic locations, beaches and the downtown. When parking along the paved roads make sure that your are not extending out over the white line delineating the roadway. The speed limit island-wide is 25 miles per hour which is set in an effort to keep everybody safe. Please obey all traffic signs and share the road with the hundreds of pedestrians, bikes and mopeds.